

Physical therapy in Edmonton South includes manual therapy, cupping, dry needling, therapeutic exercises, electrical modalities, thermal agents, and various taping techniques.

We have an excellent team of experienced therapists who each bring their own skills and knowledge to the table. The initial appointment tends to consist of a 15-30 minute assessment, the development of a tailored treatment plan, and the first treatment on your road to recovery. The entire visit tends to last approximately 60 minutes. As you progress into your treatments, subsequent appointments will last anywhere from 45-60 minutes. We never book more than 3 patients an hour per therapist, so you’re guaranteed to get one-on-one time with your therapist, every time you come for treatment.
The duration of your treatment plan of care will depend on a number of factors including how severe your injury is, how quickly you want to get better and how diligent you are in following your home treatment plan. Your therapist will outline their plan when you come in for your initial visit, and revise it as needed based on your progress and personal goals.

We specialize in:


Manual therapy is a “hands-on” approach used by a skilled professional to diagnose and treat soft tissue and joint structures. The purpose of manual therapy is to increase range of motion, reduce adhesions from scars, improve tissue repair in muscles, tendons, and ligaments, reduce or eliminate swelling, facilitate movement, improve function and control pain.
Manual therapy may also include manipulation, which is a low amplitude, high velocity technique performed by a skilled professional to enhance joint mobility in the spine and/or peripheral joints.


Dry needling is a technique employed by physiotherapists involving the insertion of a dry needle into a muscle to target specific trigger points. It is used to diagnose and treat neuromuscular pain and deficits in functional movement. It is primarily directed at myofascial trigger points within muscle tissue, as opposed to acupuncture which has point specificity to body location based on a meridian system and the manipulation of the body’s energy.


Therapeutic exercises are given in addition to manual therapy and electrotherapy, and form a very important role in your recovery.
The goals of these exercises are to improve balance and coordination, improve strength, flexibility, and improve posture and body awareness.
Each person’s injury and progression is unique, so each exercise program is individualized to account for this. A physical therapist will spend one-on-one time with you and go over each exercise carefully to ensure you are doing them right.
These exercises often become your home program. Handouts with written explanations and pictures accompany you home.


Electrical modalities may include ultrasound, interferential, magnetic currents, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES/EMS). These modalities are used to control pain, decrease swelling, increase blood circulation, and improve mobility and function.


Whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, most people experience some form of sports injury at least once. Taping and strapping techniques are commonly used by physical therapists in the treatment, support, and prevention of sports injuries. Our physiotherapists have decades of experience with sports injuries. Let us help you with yours.


Thermal agents include -but are not limited to- moist hot packs, ice packs, and contrast baths. Ultrasound may also have a heating effect. These agents are used to decrease swelling and increase blood flow which helps promote both mobility and function.

Freedom Physical Therapy